Arch Coal Announces 2002 Teacher Recognition Program
St. Louis – September 27, 2001 - Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE:ACI) today announced it would continue its unique teacher recognition program in West Virginia, according to John Snider, the company’s director of external affairs. The company has begun mailing nomination materials to hundreds of locations throughout West Virginia. The company will provide $2,500 awards to each of 10 recipients from around the state.
“The Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards program is one of the longest running teacher recognition programs in the nation,” said Steven F. Leer, Arch Coal’s president and chief executive officer. “Arch Coal believes that superior classroom teachers have significant, positive impacts on learning. Looking back on their days in school, most people can remember a very special teacher who made a difference in their lives. I certainly can. We’re looking for those teachers who change lives.”
Leer also noted the program has the support of Gov. Bob Wise, state superintendent Dr. David Stewart, and the West Virginia Education Association. Leer also complimented Speedway for its continued support of the program.
“The Arch Coal Teacher Achievement award is just one way we can give back something to the thousands of teachers who do so much for our children,” Wise said.
“We are pleased to continue this great partnership that honors outstanding West Virginia educators. Teachers have the power to influence thousands of young people by providing direction, guidance and inspiration. We thank Arch Coal for recognizing and rewarding these top-notch professionals,” said Stewart.
“The WVEA is pleased to again partner with Arch Coal and its Teacher Achievement Awards,” said West Virginia Education Association president Tom Lange. “Teaching is the key to West Virginia’s future and those who excel at teaching deserve honor and recognition. In this age of corporate downsizing and cutbacks, it is refreshing to see the commitment that Arch Coal has made to education and to honoring teaching excellence. Arch Coal serves as a model for the relationship that should exist between education and business. I hope other corporations follow Arch Coal’s example.”
Nominations for the Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards are available in schools, at Speedway locations, and on the Internet at the Arch Coal web site: The nomination phase of the program concludes Jan. 21, 2002, according to Snider.
“Our program has two unique components,” Snider explained. “First, the program features public nomination. Anyone in the public may nominate an active, full-time teacher in K-12 in West Virginia, including special education and vocational education. Secondly, the nominated teachers must complete an in-depth application form and these are reviewed by a blue ribbon panel of educators from around the state.”
Recipients of the 2002 Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards will be announced in early May 2002.
Arch Coal is the nation’s second largest coal producer and a supplier of clean-burning, low-sulfur coal exclusively. More than 2,000 people are employed at the company’s West Virginia mines, which produce nearly 30 million tons of coal annually. Arch provides the fuel for approximately 6% of the nation’s electricity.