Arch Coal Foundation Continues Education-Support Programs in Four States
ST. LOUIS, Aug 23, 2010 -- The Arch Coal Foundation today announced that it is continuing to underwrite its education-support programs in four states, according to Deck Slone, Arch Coal, Inc. vice president and Arch Coal Foundation president.
The Foundation underwrites the Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards program statewide in West Virginia and Wyoming and regionally in Utah. It also sponsors an innovative teaching grants program in Delta County, Colo.
"Excellent teachers can transform the lives of their students," said Slone. "The Arch Coal Foundation believes superior teaching is a key to transforming today's students into tomorrow's leaders. Our programs honor, celebrate and challenge some of our nation's best K-12 educators."
The Teacher Achievement Awards program is West Virginia's longest running, privately sponsored teacher recognition program. It is now in its 11th year in Wyoming and its fifth year in Utah. The Foundation's Innovative Teaching Grants program in Colorado is in its fourth year.
Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE: ACI) is the nation's second largest coal producer. Through its national network of mines, Arch supplies the fuel for approximately 8 percent of the electricity generated in the United States. The company also ships coal to domestic and international steel manufacturers as well as international power producers. Details about the teacher awards and grant programs are posted online at